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Produkter Datorkomponenter Systemkomponenter Tillbehör Till Development-Moderkort 4tronix BITSONP development board accessory

4tronix BITSONP development board accessory Distance sensor Blue, Silver

Tillv.art.nr BITSONP


ca. 75 kr st (ex. moms)

Prisindikationen på denna produkt är ett genomsnitt på marknadspriset.

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Beskrivning Specifikationer


4tronix BITSONP. Product type: Distance sensor, Compatibility: micro:bit, Product colour: Blue, Silver

Ready-Soldered, just attach to your Bit:Bot Classic with the screws provided and off you go.
Use Microsoft Makecode or MicroPython to read the distance to an obstacle, then program your Bit:Bot to avoid it.

Both Ping and Echo signals are on the same pin (Pin 15)

This accessory is now only available in 1 flavour: With the ultrasonic sensor soldered directly to the PCB

The sensor soldered into the PCB is much more robust and reliable, but has a drawback in that you cannot access the micro-USB connector on the micro:bit unless you either remove the micro:bit or use a right-angled USB cable.


Product type
Distance sensor
Product colour
Motion sensor