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Produkter Programvara Garanti & Support IT-Supporttjänster HP 1y 9x5 HPAC PP

HP 1y 9x5 HPAC PP 1-99 Lic SW Supp

Tillv.art.nr U9EP6E

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Beskrivning Specifikationer


HP 1y 9x5 HPAC PP 1-99 Lic SW Supp. Service time (hours x days): 9x5

HP Software Support Service provides comprehensive software services for HP software and selected HP-supported third-party products. HP Software Support Service also provides access to HP technical resources for assistance in resolving software implementation or operations problems. HP releases updates to software and reference manuals as soon as they are made available. Updates for selected HP-supported third-party software products are included as they are made available from the original software manufacturer. HP Software Support Service also includes the license to use software updates for each system, socket, processor, processor core, or end user software license, as allowed by the original HP or original manufacturer software license terms. In addition, HP Software Support Service provides electronic access to related product and support information, enabling any member of your IT staff to locate this commercially available essential information. For third-party products, access is subject to availability of information from the original manufacturer.


License term in years
Access Control Secure Pull Printing
Service time (hours x days)